Waheed: Award will bring recognition to Unani medicine
Mohammed Abdul Waheed
Medicine for vitiligo awaiting US FDA clearance, says doctor who was selected for Padma Shri
HYDERABAD: Dr.Mohammed Abdul Waheed, a Unani doctor well known for his research work and 35 years of experience in clinical management of vitiligo, is an elated man after being selected for the Padma Shri award.
“This will bring recognition to Unani medicine. I am really thankful to Government of India. God is great,” he said. Sharing his happiness, the Padma Shri awardee in the field of medicine told The Hindu that importantly it would help in bringing global recognition to Unani medicine.
Dr. Waheed, who graduated in Unani medicine and Surgery from Osmania University in 1978, was the former head of Central Research Institute of Unani Medicine under the Department of Ayush, Government of India. With expertise in phase II and phase III clinical trials, he had treated over two lakh vitiligo patients. “We are working for globalisation of Unani medicine. A drug dossier for vitiligo has been submitted to USFDA by the Central Council for Research in Unani Medicine. If approved the medicine could be globally utilised to treat and manage vitiligo,” he said. Recipient of several prestigious awards for his research including the AIIMS’s Best Scientist Award, he Dr.Waheed developed 17 Unani formulations for the effective management of vitiligo. and also coordinated multi-centric clinical trials of Unani medicines on Diabetes, Hypertension and Hepatitis.
Finding treatment for vitiligo mainly caused by autoimmune disorder — that affects one % of world and three to four % of Indian population — was close to his heart as the condition caused social discomfort and depression to patients, he said.
(Thanks a lot to Dr.Mohammed Abdul Waheed)
(Thanks a lot to Dr.Mohammed Abdul Waheed)
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